Trophy Claim & Show Off


Staff member
Full year of Nintendo Online
Steal Penalty
You're Rich Money Bags Award
Profile Music

In this topic you can gloat about some of the trophies you get, suggest trophies or claim some trophies you earned.

Most of the trophies on the list above are auto awarded upon meeting the requirements while others will have to be manually gotten by posting in this topic or PMing staff with proof of your achievement.

Manual trophies are:

  • Store Buyer!
  • I am Error
  • Member of the Month
  • MVP
  • Everything under the Arcade category
  • All Xbox Achievements and PSN trophies.
To prove the Achievements and trophies, you will need to show me your gaming account through some method like our gamer profile card or taking a picture using a phone with the current date displayed in the photo image.

Let us know of any trophy issues or suggestions below.
I am Error? That sounds lame ._.
Why don't you rename that as bug finder or Expert finder ._.
1 year trophy!
I already made 34 posts, and another 16 posts and I am gonna get anime nerd trophy too *-*
Is there a separate page to find all the trophies awarded to the user, demon_skeith?
Can I have Second Place (You've earned second place in three arcade games or more.) ?
It says I have 252 trophy points. I didn't know I had that many points. I didn't think I would have more than 100 so that exceeds my expectations.
Yeah, I saw how many points I got for each trophy. That answers my next question, I was going to ask what the points could be used for.
PSN trophies?
Well...I guess it means I would get credits if I show the number of my PSN trophies? Am I right?